HLB is committed to save lives by organising smart blood donation drive event every month so that needy will get blood when required. At HLB, we do things differently by adding the technological perspective in making the existing system efficient and smart. We digitise every blood data from collection to supply. The best part is that as a donor one will get to know when and where your life saving donation had been used.

Recently we conducted a smart blood donation drive at LABIM Mall collaborating with Prasuti Griha, BLODAN, JuJu Wears and Rumsan Tech on the auspicious day of Mother’s Day, 3rd may 2019. Despite of unfavorable climatic conditions, we were able to collect 24 pints of blood. As a part of donor motivation gift hampers, badges were provided to the blood donors. The system also notified the donor once the donated blood was used by sending a Thank you SMS. Feedbacks received from the donors were overwhelming which has strongly motivated us to do more in the coming days.