Hamro Life Bank and Cedar Gates: Smart Blood Donation Event

Hamro Life Bank collaborated with Cedar Gates to host a smart blood donation event at their premises. In partnership with the Nepal Red Cross Society, Lalitpur, we successfully collected 53 pints of blood. This contribution has the potential to save 159 lives!

Participants: Out of the 59 registrants, 53 were eligible to donate blood. Unfortunately, the remaining 6 were ineligible due to various health issues and other reasons.
Gender: There were 46 male and 7 female donors.
Engagement: We used witty props for photos, encouraging donors to share their experiences on social media. Each donor received food, refreshments, and stickers as tokens of appreciation.
Marketing: To enhance visibility, we placed a Hamro Life Bank hotline standee at Cedar Gates.
Data Management: We digitize every blood data point from collection to supply.

Furthermore, as an added gesture of gratitude, we sent a thank-you SMS to each donor once their donated blood was utilized to save a life. This initiative aimed to demonstrate our deep appreciation for their selfless act and to keep them informed about the positive impact of their contribution.
Thank you to all our generous donors and partners for making this event a success!